

Cameras components

camera lens
A camera consists of:

- A light-proof box (camera body)
- System lenses
- The lighter portrait (shutter)
- The movie player

Lens system

Lens system is mounted on the front of the pit box, the form of a single lens made of plastic or glass, or a number of lenses arranged in a metal cylinder.

Deterrence level of light is expressed by the number f, or relative aperture. The lower the f number, the greater the smaller the opening level will get. Aperture diaphragm is arranged by the window. Relative aperture is set by a diaphragm. For SLR cameras, lens aperture is equipped with a regulator that regulates the amount of light entering the photographer as you wish.

Types of lenses faster or slower lens F is determined by the range of values that can be used. Besides the normal lens, wide angle lens is also known (wide lens), small-angle lens (telephoto lens), and the lens is variable (variable lens, or by the layman called the zoom lens.
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Wide-angle lens has a focal length smaller than a conventional lens. But the designation is dependent on the film width is used. For films 35 millimeters, 35 millimeters lens will be called a wide-angle lens, while the 135-millimeter lens will be called a telephoto lens.

The lens can be changed variable focus distance, by changing the relative position of the lens elements. The lens will focus the light so that the resulting image according to the size of the film. They are grouped according to the length of the lens focal length (distance between the two lenses).

Focal length affects the composition of the image that can be generated. In the general population, it’s better known as zoom.

Portrait lighter: lighter portrait or shutter button mounted on the rear of the lens or lenses. Most SLR cameras have a timer mechanism to allow for varying the shutter opening time. This time is short shutter is opened, allowing the beam of light on film.
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Some of the common people regard the ability of the camera is proportional to the magnitude of the maximum shutter speed that can be used. Other parts of a camera, among others:

- Mechanism of the movie reels that parts of the movie alternately be disclosed on an object
- Focus mechanism which can vary the distance between the lens and film,
- The scanner composition photography (range finder) that shows what will be photographed and if the main object was focused.
Light meter help set the shutter speed or aperture size, so that the amount of light that the film is quite right to obtain a satisfactory image or images.

Some cameras, especially pocket cameras usually do not have any of these parts.
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